A perfect gift from my daughter and George

My fantastic daughter Elisabeth knows me so very well.

She proved it again after our traditional trip to Polish Fest.

Good weather!

My dear wife Karen, Elisabeth, George Three and I were quite surprised by the good weather that greeted us in Clinton Square. Usually it rains down on us hard as we eat our Polish lunch.

George treated us for Father’s Day. Thank you so very much!

We waited, sure.

We waited in the long line for the Polish Home of Rome, having enjoyed their platter of kielbasa, pierogi, cabbage rolls, sauerkraut and rye bread in the past.

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On our walk after eating all that delicious food, I spotted a new, neat-looking stand. However, despite the sharp look, it had no customers. Maybe next year?

On the walk back to the car, my daughter delivered to me my gift.

Happy with my gift.

I loved the bag.

Let’s grill!

And when I opened the gift at home, I adored her choice.

My grill set goes perfectly with the new Weber barbecue now standing on the side porch. The sauces will make it all delicious.

Right way, I used the set to grill up some ka-bobs from Wegmans we had in the fridge ready for that night’s dinner.

What’s your favorite style of barbecue sauce, and why?

7 thoughts on “A perfect gift from my daughter and George

  1. what a great father’s day treat/treats. they sure know you well. i pretty much love anything bbq’d and love most any sauce, extra on the side please….)


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