I can help figure things out, Dooley noted

The question came from my Syracuse-area blogging friend Ermine.

She wanted to change things around on her too-dormant WordPress site. She didn’t want to change the whole domain and lose the followers she’d built.

Could I help?

I’ve made enough alterations here since starting markbialczak.com in February 2013 that I agreed. So she came over to the Liverpool Public Library a weekday after my work hours a bit back. I’d reserved a work space.

Gratuitous choice of Ermine post about the library.

Gratuitous choice of Ermine post about the library.

She had a great photo of her dog Dooley she’d taken that she wanted as the cover shot.

Good one, indeed.

She knew she wanted the main headline to read Dooley Noted.

So she opened her laptop. We got into WordPress themes. She picked one she liked. I talked her through appearance clicks.

There you have it.

I’m looking forward to the next new post, Ermigal.

Here’s her site.

Looks nice, does it not?

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