Dance, dance, dance on Freedom of the Seas

I’ve been known to break out into the happy dance.

You’d think I’d be a natural on Freedom of the Seas, where dancing is a big part of their regularly scheduled programming.

Dancing on the pool deck 11 as we walk on deck 12.

Dancing on the pool deck 11 as we walk on deck 12.

My dear wife Karen found that out again, and again, and again.

And as it turned out, I’m not so much a mover and shaker at the planned dance party.

Our first encounter with the group movement was when one of the social team called sun bathers out for orchestrated steps on the very first day.

They go for it.

They go for it.

It looked as if they were having plenty of fun as we walked the track one deck above, but we continued our journey for some more individual exertion.

We also went to the ice rink, where they’d covered the floor for a 1970s dance party. A few of our group rushed right down to join the festivities.

Hover over a gallery photo for a description. Click on an image for an enlarged slide show.

I did a lot of chair dancing.

Passengers jam the promenade for the 1980s version.

Passengers jam the promenade for the 1980s version.

The final celebrations of the week was held on the fifth-floor promenade, hard on the tiled floor that made me think of a ritzy mall.

In costume, ship workers.

In costume, ship workers.

Partiers looked overhead to two bridges, where ship workers donned clothes from that decade and danced to popular songs of the period.

Which way do we look?

Which way do we look?

The biggest attraction was down the far end from our group, because that’s where cruise director Cuddy had stationed himself.

Lo and behold, midway through he left and returned with his band of brothers dressed as …



You betcha. They led everyone in a frantic follow to The Village People’s hits.

Cuddy in action, too close up.

Cuddy in action, too close up.

Cuddy came down from above to dance with the masses. Too close, in my opinion. Whoa! You can keep that part to yourself, Macho Man.

This trip was taken in the middle of September. We did not encounter any hurricanes. Our hearts go out to this battling the fierce effects of Hurricane Matthew.

Would you be dancing in the big group on the pool deck? Should the cruise director rub it up with the passengers in the name of disco dancing? Which is your favorite photo, and why?

Tuesday: Taking a boat to Cocoa Cay

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