Hail, yes. Frost and snow, too

At the start of our loop around the blocks surrounding the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood yesterday afternoon, the skies decided to spit upon us.

Ellie B braves the hail.

Ellie B braves the hail.

Aw, heck, I thought, I’m wearing shorts! Then I coaxed Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle onto the blacktop outside the Dish Network offices at the end of the block, hoping the contrast would best show off our mid-October hail.

The small bouncing white pellets stopped crashing upon us after a moment, and on we went.

We were hit in Syracuse.

We were hit in Syracuse.

This morning, I let our beloved rescue mutt out to face this. Snow. Frost. A combination of the two sat on the back porch steps as Ellie B went out for her 7 a.m. ritual.

I looked at the black surfaces.

I looked at the black surfaces.

The white stuff was most noticeable on the roof of our shed and top of the grill.

Hover over any gallery photo for a description. Click on the bottom right photo in any gallery for an enlarged slide show.

Out front, the cold weather effect from the night hours was even more noticeable. White dotted the plants and coated the vehicles.

Just when I was shaking hands with autumn, here comes winter. Oh, my. It will melt. And I still want to play golf at least one more time, maybe even wearing shorts.

What’s the weather this morning where you live? Have you traded in shorts for long pants yet? What are you doing to prepare for the coming season?

86 thoughts on “Hail, yes. Frost and snow, too

  1. We are in the midst of a drought right now. Last weekend brought the first frost of the season. Today, it’s 80 degrees and next week they are predicting heavy rainfall with potentially severe thunderstorms. Mother Nature hasn’t made up her mind what season she prefers for us. In the south, wait a few minutes and it changes.


  2. I didn’t wake up where I live. But where I did wake up was a wee bit closer to you. It was grey, cold. But no fluffy or pellety type things. I love summer. But fall…..bring it home to me!!! Love it.


  3. We had the first freeze, or at least, we supposedly did. I was late to bed, late out of bed, so I’m not too sure. We usually have a few really cold days in October, and we’ve already had one. But there are still warmer days ahead 🙂


  4. We only had hail fro awhile yesterday, but it didn’t stay.

    What kind of leash is that? Does it work to keep her from pulling? Cody has a Thunder Leash (which wraps around her chest), but still manages to pull my husband. I’m afraid of the Gentle Leader leashes because they look like they could come off easily, but yours seems to be attached to the collar itself.


    • I bought a special double leash because of that fear exactly, CM. The Gentle Leader is attached to the leash with one clip, and the second leash clip goes directly on the collar. And, yes, the Gentle Leader indeed discourages Ellie B’s wish to pull my arm out if its socket. I found the double-leash at Pet Smart. I think this would help Cody a lot. ❤


  5. I am sorry the cold and snow has hit already. We are still in the 80s over here. It was sunny yesterday but today there is clouds in the sky. The sounds of the birds and the cars are kind of quieter, almost muted which always tells me it might be preparing to rain. We are keeping our fingers crossed. We had the windows open for the first time in a long time, but the boys must have gotten hot, because at 6 this morning I heard the air conditioning kick on – again.


  6. I was trying and trying to hold off, but I finally had to turn the heat on yesterday. I blame my sons. They refuse to wear socks inside the house, but then they walk around telling me they’re freezing. “Put some clothes on, ya hippie!” I yell, but they just look at me like I’m crazy. And I might be, cause there’s probably nothing normal about wanting to be the last one of your friends to have to turn the heat on!


  7. thought about you while reading that ‘The Crochet Crowd’ in Canada had snow (follow them on facebook – if you decide to learn to crochet I recommend you take a look) and then read this and had my suspicions confirmed. Winter is muscling in on Autumn across the pond. Here it is a dull, grey day. No snow.
    If you do get snowed in you could learn a new skill… see above 🙂


  8. Good grief, Mark–I believe you! It wasn’t necessary to send it over here. I just went to look out the kitchen window and I see the thick-snow/fluffy hail coming down outside. LOL west of Cleveland, 10 miles south of the lake Erie.


  9. what is that stuff on top of the car? Yes I am wearing shorts (I just say I’m old and I can wear whatever I want) and although I haven’t seen any of the white stuff yet we do have a little rain. The trees are really just starting to turn…I hope the wind cooperates. I have a red maple that is absolutely gorgeous, but not quite ready. The cat shelter is just about completed, so that’s a break…


  10. The temperatures dropped below 20°C about two weeks ago. This morning we had 3°C, now (3:20 p.m.) 9°C. Some cities above 500 m already reported snow. Our car is winter-ready, we have jackets and gloves (for days below 0°C) at the ready.


  11. Our corner of New England got its first killing frost of the season last night. We spent much of yesterday harvesting all but the kale, leeks, Brussels sprouts, and parsley from the garden — things that either get better with cold or will at least survive.
    So now what are we going to do with all the eggplant, peppers, and tomatoes!

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