Now that’s a salutation

So many exciting moments crammed into five full days for my dear wife Karen, wonderful daughter Elisabeth and tremendous boyfriend George Three and the entire Miner clan. Yes, Estes Park, Colorado, was a fine place to hold her first Family Reunion.

I have much to write about in the week or more to come. Today we’ll be making our way from Denver back to to the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Syracuse. I hope you’ve enjoyed my post each day since we arrived Thursday.

On a twisty turn downward toward town on Route 36 and again Sunday as we wound our way back from a Denver day that included trips to the Zoo and Coors Stadium, we noticed this inviting rock sign overlooking a bluff.

Yesterday we backtracked up the mountain for our photo opp. Cars pulled over regularly to take part in the spectacular landscape, strangers playing a neat version of hand-the-phone photo tag so all are included in each photo.

Our time up high in Colorado.

Our time up high in Colorado.

I’ll leave you with this one as we travel today. More to come tomorrow, and farther down the line.

Have you pulled over to the sign of the road to take a photograph, and if so, where?

43 thoughts on “Now that’s a salutation

  1. I was so dizzy from the lack of O2 that I really couldn’t enjoy the highest parts of Colorado bro Mark. We went up to Estes Park, but altitude sickness forced my nephew and me to have to come back down early, and I’ve been thankful for my nephew having it all his life. I really should let him know that some day.
    One question about your trip — was it cold while you were there? Each time I have been there, almost always in June or July, we have seen snow banks still unmelted in different places, And hummingbirds perched in the pines. I’m getting so choked up because I’ll never be able to go there again. Keep those pictures coming brother. That’s the only way I can travel now. And thanks for the virtual tour so far.


    • It was in the 90s during the day, even in the village of Estes Park, sis Angie! But at night it fell into the 60s. But yes, the snow was always visible up in the mountain peaks. And our trip up the hightest peak, we went experienced a 50-degree drop in temperature and needed our sweatshirts as we climbed the hill to the tippy-top. Photos of that to come, sis Angie. The air was really, really thin up there.


      • The highest I went on foot was Pikes’ Peak, and I was so dizzy I was crawling half way up. I kept feeling like I was falling in all directions at the same time, so naturally when we drove up Estes Park no way was I getting out of the car. I would have fallen off the planet without even trying.


      • I also have a healthy fear of heights. Or is it an unhealthy fear? Elaine and I were remembering our trip to Natural Bridge State Park here in KY, when she walked over to the edge of the bridge and looked out over the scenery as I sat in the middle freaking out. Then finally went down on my tummy and squirmed to the edge to look at all of the things she was telling me about. Just no way I could stand there without losing my balance and falling. And that is a small mountain compared to the Rockies, bro Mark.


      • It took me 2 weeks to look out my 16th floor window bro Mark, and that doesn’t even have windows that open. I can look out now, since they begin at waist height, and I know they don’t open, but no ledges for me.


  2. Thanks for the trip, Mark. I apologize for getting side tracked and falling by the side of the road. I loved Estes Park when I visited it in the 80s with Aaron’s father, and I love revisiting it again with you.


  3. Yes, when I was a kid we did a road trip to Ohio. Along the way we took a picture on one side of a sign that said North Carolina and then the other side which said Tennessee. It was the coolest thing for us kids, Mark!

    I’ve been loving your posts, so glad you had so much fun. ❤
    Diana xo


  4. No way! I used to head there for a biz conference and loved it! Did the Emerald Lake hike more than once. I hope you truly enjoyed and relaxed, Mark. One of my coolest memories is waking up at the Stanley Hotel to moose (elk?) all over the front lawn. Mating season:).


  5. Looks like you were in my neck of the woods. 🙂 I’m glad you got the chance to go to Estes Park. It has been a family favorite of ours for years. Beautiful place.


  6. Mark, seems as if you’ve had a wonderful trip!
    AND I see the sun in your pics!
    ( lucky you! here still rrain showers….)


  7. Great pic Terp! In Sarasota Florida there is a Statue of a sailor hugging his girlfriend (Like Big Statue and sign) this is a big landmark so naturally the Gatorette had to go to city hall and arrange a photo, well…of course I got it! In Key West Florida at the Southernmost point in the Continental USA I like that pic I was young then! Memories…Be safe getting back to the itty bitty and yes we loved being on this journey with you! There are many in State and out of State pics at landmarks and signs I just can not devote the time right now to share every one with you Terp. LOL


    • Great photo opps for you, Gatorette, and of course you took them. Your spirit is contagious. my friend. I want to see those photos, but you are blog camera shy and very private. 🙂 Thanks for taking part in MDW Karen’s Family Reunion here. More to come when we get home to Syracuse tomorrow. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great photo of the family. Beautiful scenery!!! I don’t think I have ever actually stopped at a sign to have my photo taken. When we used to go on road trips with my family, we would always have to stop at the historical marker signs, so my Dad could get out and read them – those are about the only signs I ever remember having stopped at.


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