Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Yeah, we have

Today’s the official one in the books.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Take out your best green clothes?

It started here in Syracuse with our annual downtown parade.

Flag girls on South Salina Street

St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Syracuse, N.Y. on March 14, 2015.

Thousands lined the curbs of Clinton Square and South Salina Street to catch the spectacle. My dear wife Karen and I have always thought, in fact, that the crowds are a major part of the spectacle. More to come on that tomorrow, here and for my weekly community blog for Syracuse Public Media site waer.org.

I did wear my New York Jets green T-shirt and long-sleever, but I had a beige hoodie on over them. Bad, me.

On the way home from shooting with my iPhone 6 at the parade, we stopped at Wegmans for the weekly food shopping. Included was a big hunk o’ corned beef, with cabbage and veggies.

Corned beef, cabbage and more. Sunday dinner.

Corned beef, cabbage and more. Sunday dinner.

Karen worked her kitchen magic in the crock pot for an early St. Patrick’s Day dinner on Sunday afternoon.

My big bowl o' food.

My big bowl o’ food.

It’s not usually my No. 1 choice of meals, but dig in I did. There was way too much meat, but I went back for seconds on the potatoes, carrots, celery and, yes, even the cabbage. That last ingredient I’ve long eschewed in its corned-beef-and form, even though I am a sauerkraut lover. In this crock pot medley, I enjoyed it.

This morning, on St. Patrick’s Day, I have my usual work agenda in front of me. It will be accomplished wearing green, yes. When Karen gets home from her job at SMG? We shall see.

Have you been celebrating St. Patrick’s Day already, and if so, what’s been your best fun? What are your St. Patrick’s Day go-to clothes? What’s your favorite St. Patrick’s Day meal, cooked by whom?

78 thoughts on “Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Yeah, we have

  1. I am not a big St. Patrick’s menu lover (which is surprising because I love all food), but if it’s in front of me, I will eat it. Nice job by Mrs. B! 🙂

    We were in Albany on the 14th and got into downtown just as the parade was ending there. We had an 80th birthday party to go to at the Fort Orange Club for a distant relative of mine. I was upset that we missed the parade but it was pretty cold and rainy. Holyoke, a town near me has a huge parade this coming weekend. 🙂


  2. Belated St Patricks Day wishes. This country(ireland) goes a bit mad for it naturally, but I love it. Great to see so many holidaying on a week day. No chance I’d eat an Irish dinner though. We ordered in a Chinese!


  3. What a lovely meal! I worked all day, so we’re celebrating on Saturday, with a “Tardy for the Paddy’s Party” with my parents and a bunch of friends. David’s making a lamb stew and soda bread and I’ll whip up some green cocktails!


  4. I’m wearing green, but no real celebrating. Or almost none. Two of my brothers came by to visit bring me meatballs from a restaurant in Texas, a jar of pumpkin butter, and some organic marinara sauce from Trader Joe’s in Tulsa, plus my favorite ginger candy that I can’t find here. All of that from Steve, while lots of joking from Larry, mostly at Steve’s expense this time. Thought about getting corned beef, but the beef part just turned me off, so I’ll eat some corn one day this week and consider myself corned for the week. No therapy today, so that was cause for celebration. A really good day when I stop to think about it all. Have a happy rest of St. Paddy’s Day brother Mark.


    • Good day for you with two brothers in your apartment, bringing you the goods, sis Angie! No torture therapy on your shoulder. And good, sweet wishes from your blog bro Mark. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Angie.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wow, am I ever slow about going into my reader. Everything else too, for that matter. It’s been a good week over all, with my brothers visiting, my daughter hinting about a new TV for Mother’s Day, blocking the maintenance man’s entry into my apartment when he tried to force me aside. Had therapy on Thursday, but it wasn’t the torture guy, so not a bit bad. Torture guy was out learning new methods of torture though, so I’m worried about next week. Big owie coming I’m sure. I might have to hurt him.


      • The big owie’s always led to more movement for me, sis Angie. God, I hated the worst torture shoulder guy, but he unfroze my shoulder for me. The day I passed the motion and strength tests and he signed me off from the PT was the day I accomplished my best Happy Dance ever. The rest of the PT room stopped and stared at me in shock.


  5. I enjoyed the parade you showed us, but our Columbus parade was held today. Too bad I had to work! I think your stew looks delicious, plenty of meat and vegetables. I love carrots the best. I also like corned beef and cabbage, a rare treat. My Mom used to make this with carrots and potatoes to fill us up, too!


  6. we’ve been out and back home again. mg off to work and me to my spring break at home. the parade looks great, along with the meal. my fav is irish stew, but i do love it all. happy st. pat’s. my outfit is my race jersey from a 5k i did with the family in corktown (irish neighborhood in detroit), on parade day. so fun.


  7. The meal looks great! We are all appropriately dressed in green today, but there are no celebrations, and we were the only patrons at Starbuck’s wearing green. I wanted not to pinch the others for their oblivion and/or refusal, but to sic scorpions upon them.


  8. You’re dinner looks wonderful. We, too, are celebrating with corned beef, cabbage, and soda bread (modified for my gluten intolerance–it tastes better with gluten).

    Happy St. Patrick’s day!


  9. I believe I have one green shirt Mark, and even it, is more of a hunter green – I will wear it today! Happy St. Patty’s Day Mark. The fork in that picture looks like the exact cutlery pattern my parents have, that I grew up with! ❤
    Diana xo


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