Great to see you, Kitt Crescendo, write again

When I read in one of her December posts that Kitt Crescendo was in Syracuse, N.Y. because of her new day job, I started a back-and-forth in her comment section.

We already knew each other in the WordPress world, so I felt comfortable enough to give her a bit of grief for not letting me know before hand that she was visiting my home city.

No problem. Her training regimen would bring her back the first week of January, she said after we’d gone off the grid to email. I invited her to dinner when the time came because, well, isn’t a fine thing when this virtuality can become a reality?

Saturday night I sent a text down to her warm-weather home state advising she get ready for a cold shock. Pack wisely and warmly. We set Wednesday night for the dinner. When she arrived safely on Sunday, we texted through her beloved Cowboys’ comeback playoff win. Cool beans. Yes, she was happy heading into training.

Fast forward to Wednesday. Yeah, it was cold.

How cold? My car thermometer at top right tells the sad tale before my drive back home from our dinner.

How cold? My car thermometer at top right tells the sad tale before my drive back home from our dinner.

Not to worry as I sat working out of my living room recliner, though. Texts from Kitt confirmed we were still on.

Bravery for a southerner.

Bravery for a southerner.

When I arrived at the hotel after traversing the snow-slicked few miles from Little Bitty, the beloved home my dear wife Karen and I share in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, I had already made an executive decision. We were going to eat in the restaurant there instead of driving downtown to the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que. Kitt readily agreed, and we were shown to a booth just across the way from a huge table from all the folks she’d been training with all week.

The fellowship of writing. And gabbing. Throw in burgers and a glass of wine.

The fellowship of writing. And gabbing. Throw in burgers and a glass of wine.

The proximity came in handy when Kitt called over a fellow also named Mark to take the photo above. Two, actually, one with each of our smart phones.

But not until we’d shared a leisurely meal of burgers, a glass of wine each and plenty of lively conversation. Kitt’s as cool as I’d figured.

When I told her the story about how Wynonna unexpectedly bowed to me when she discovered I was a music critic a past job and some decades back in Nashville, Kitt told me the story about how Andy Griggs and her unexpectedly became fast friends when she helped him out with some phone troubles while holding down a previous job and a bit back.

She told me how this new company is a really solid organization to work for and how tough it was to be let go from that previous employer. I told her about my sad layoff, my rewarding freelancing gigs and the frustrations of interviewing numerous times without yet scoring the fulltime job for a new company that’s a really solid organization.

She told me how a veteran fantasy romance author had taken her under her tutelage and given her such steady and wise guidance when she started writing her novels, and I talked about how the sports book I co-wrote about Syracuse University basketball and football with my longtime friend and knowledgable reporter and book writer — yes, I presented her with a signed copy, knowing she’s a sports fan — had a bit of a short shelf life, looking back on things.

We both allowed how we like the way the other converses with followers on our blogs, and the easy way we approach our blog writing.

It was like talking to a friend I’ve known for a long time. But it was the first time we’d ever met. This WordPress blog world is special that way, I am ever more certain.

Before I knew it, 2 1/2 hours had gone by, my yeah-it’s-winter knee joints were getting a bit stiff, and it was time to point the Chevy Cruze back into the snow and blowing snow.

Some time today, Kitt’s flying back home to her husband and much warmer weather. Safe traveling, my friend. It was really good to see you.

Have you met anybody from Blog World in person, and if so, how did it turn out? Do you want to meet a blogger, and if so, who and where would you like to meet? Name any writer you’d like to meet and the subject you’d choose for the conversation.

51 thoughts on “Great to see you, Kitt Crescendo, write again

  1. Pingback: Worlds Collide in a Winter Wonderland | theinnerwildkat

    • I am indeed friends with Sherry Allen, Karen. From your blog photo I thought I recognized you in line at a store the other day but when my semi-steady hello went flat I figured I was wrong! I am sure we will meet one of these days, too.


  2. this is fantastic! I’m so glad you had the chance to meet, i think its really cool that online writing and creative pursuits can lead to real world friendships. i met roy sexton when i found out we lived near each other and and a number of mutual friends and we hit it off immediately. i’d love to have a midwest/east coast get together with as many blogfriends attending and spending real world time together.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You had a great time with Kitt, Mark! The conversation I bet flowed and you are one who is so open and friendly, Mark.This makes a great get together. I have not met anyone from my blogging world, yet in person, but do feel close to some, like you, who really follow and know what I am talking about! We will meet someday, I feel! Oh, Colleen, Beth and Barb (the list may get too long here…) are some who I believe will be in my future meetings!


  4. Aww, that’s such an awesome story! The blogger I want to meet is YOU! Of any writers I would love to meet, I’ve got to go with Beverly Lewis. Actually, I’ve already met her at a book signing, and she’s such a sweet lady, but I’d love to have lunch with her and discuss the Amish. Kitt looks much warmer in the second photo… In the first, she looks like she’s freezing in your Syracuse weather! The other Mark took a great photo of you both! 🙂


    • I think we’ll meet, Rachel. Big world, we both have the goal, can do it! 🙂 I’m glad Beverly Lewis treated you nicely. Send her this comment and schedule lunch, right?

      Yes, KItt was cold in that selfie, was she not? Whew. Wat a day.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Actually, I’ve been thinking about my answer here, and I’d like to amend it to say if you were really asking which author I’d want to meet, living or dead, I’d have to go with my man Poe. He seems like he’d be a cool lunch date. I like to imagine he was much like John Cusak who played him in The Raven. 🙂


  5. I enjoyed reading this, Mark. There are a lot of bloggers I’d like to meet (including you!). In August, Heather Costa is coming to the US to visit with me. We’ve known each other on line for about three years and we skype every other week. We’re looking forward to finally getting together. 🙂


  6. Several years ago I mentioned to Skye over at Heart of the Matter ( that I’d be house sitting not too far away. She came over for lunch and it was such a treat! A couple years later Karen, of Our Enchanting Adventures ( mentioned in her blog that she and her family were going to explore Kentucky a bit on their summer trip. I offered to give some inside tips and eventually we made a plan to meet in a sweet historic town at one of my favorite lunch spots Got to meet not only her but her sons and her mother. Such fun!

    A couple of friends here have recently started blogging at WordPress, but otherwise all my blogging pals live far away, so it’s only these chance moments of travel to the right place at the right time that allow me to meet them. So far I’d say it’s well worth getting that face to face moment — reading their posts now feels even more connected.


  7. Love it! You’re on my list of bloggers I want to meet and Kerbey is going to happen even if I have to fly to Tejas all by my lonesome and knock on her door, bottle of Moscato in hand. I did meet HotDish ( — you’re going to love her burger joint post) when we were in Chicago and she and her husband were wonderful to us. Bloggysphere is an amazing place–you’re so right about becoming fast friends through words. I’m also counting on a BoFN convention one day–that’ll get you, me, and Kerbey in the same room 🙂


    • The BoFN convention would be a hoot woot woot for sure, Liz. I picture one big, round table with everybody talking at once. 🙂 And every Kerbey post that ventures into cocktail party land in the comment section … I mean it, too. And food and fun and music in Minnesota and/or Syracuse? That would be so stupendous. We have to make it happen, my friend.

      You are fortunate to have met HotDish burger joint blogger. 🙂


  8. I’m not sure there are any other bloggers around Owensboro Mark. We have a writers club that I attended for a while, but they didn’t seem to be very impressed with blogging. I know there are others in Kentucky, like Apple Pie, somewhere, but not sure where. I would love to meet everyone, but you would have to come to me I’m afraid. Try during the Bar-b-q fest or the Mount St. Joseph picnic, so you can savor the taste of Daviess County burgoo. Everyone should experience burgoo, and the best is at the Mount, or the St Martin’s, but St. Martins is drive thru and drive home. Would be nice to meet some fellow bloggers.


    • I will try to come down there, Angie, to see both you and Apple Pie.

      FYI I tried to comment on your post a few minutes ago but WP ate my words. I’m glad you got to go shopping and bought — big surprise — more yarn!


  9. How fun! And a great picture! Griggs and Wynnona are names right up my alley; I had cd’s of both. Now I think you have a misprint. It said 3 up there. As in three degrees.


  10. I’ve had several blogger meet-ups over the years and they’ve all been awesome. Once, I met in a cafe in Greenwich Village with a blogger from Ohio and another from Australia. The three of us sat there and yammered all afternoon like a bunch of old hens who’ve known each other all our lives. (Plus, I liked the ratio. They were both girls!) I’m luck that many folks pass through NYC at one point or another. I always feel personally responsible for their having a good time. If they end up not liking the city (and, let’s face it, this place ain’t to everyone’s liking) I often feel personally responsible. But I love meet-ups. I’ll always say yes.


    • That’s why you’re so cool, Mark. You’ll say yes to the meet-and-greet, and you’ll feel responsible for how they feel about it. You’re right. Some out-of-towners could be totally overwhelmed by NYC, but we writers would tend to be more open, wouldn’t we? Now there’s a generalization for you.

      Ohio and Australia and the Polish kid from Cleveland who cherishes all the Apple hang out in the Village. That must have been a blast.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. How wonderful!!! Two of my favorite people meeting for the first time! Priceless – 🙂 So smart to stay and dine inside the hotel until her warm blood could adjust to the frigid reality lurking outside. Very nice, amigo! 🙂


    • We just ate in. No need to take Kitt out into that blustery mess, Mrs. B. Oy! The worst night we’ve had up here in a month. Cold and blowing snow and the roads were a hockey rink. I’m glad I only live a couple miles away from where her company put them up. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • It was definitely a good time, Maria. 🙂 Funny thing, I warned him in advance that going out would probably be dependent on how well I was able to handle the cold. Turned out neither one of us could deal with it that night. 😀


  12. I’ve only met one blogger from Vancouver Mark. What’s really weird is there are a handful of bloggers I follow from my own city that I haven’t met in person!

    I would love to meet more, including of course, you! Actually, I’m not sure how close everywhere is there, but if I ever got out that way and got the chance to meet you, there are other bloggers in NYC and CT I would love to meet in person as well! ❤
    Diana xo


  13. Yes, it’s great to actually meet people in person in this technology-centric world we live in. I found out the Patricia from English Professor at Large lived in my area and we got together for coffee. She is a fascinating person. Hopefully we can do it again.


  14. Yes! I’ve met two of my fellow Virginian bloggers so far. I was nervous though, I have to admit. What if I didn’t like them? What if they didn’t like me? As usually, I over-thought the whole thing and both meetings went smashingly.


  15. I love reading about these meetings! I have met some bloggers. One, before we knew each other were bloffers (Robin-sorry I can’t link from my phone), Kathy and her partner Sara (who, God willing we will see again in Ecuador!) , and Bill may he rest in peace. There are many bloggers I want to meet. You are at the top of the list and I’m not making any agenda because I won’t stick to it!!! 🙂


      • Not that Robin, not yet. Though we have mentioned getting coffee!!!!! THAT will be exciting! Robin from We actually met at a Color Run, we were both wearing Skeletoes running shoes and her friend pointed it out to us. We started talking and discovered we were both bloggers here on WP and have been friends ever since. 🙂 And we can’t wait to return to NY. Did I tell you we went to NY in 2013 for some vacation time? Rochester area. We loved it there. I have some blogs from back then. I can’t remember if we were connected back then. I am SO looking forward to Syracuse! 🙂


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