Football, basketball and a signed book for Christmas

The college basketball season started last night. Around here, Syracuse walloped a team from Kennesaw State, 89-42. If you’re interested, you can find a report about the game here.

College football cranks up again today. Most teams have three games left in the regular season, then conference championship games before the first-ever four-team playoff to decide the national championship.

And the Christmas season is upon us. My trip to our Lights on the Lake this week, chronicled in my photo-filled post earlier this morning, convinced me of that.

Don’t get confused. I have figured out a way to tie these three thoughts together …

The stats are a little old but the outlook is fresh!

The stats are a little old but the outlook is fresh!

I bought one last batch of the book I co-authored with noted basketball beat writer Mike Waters — the man who wrote the story on that link to above, you see — and they came in from the publisher. In fact, Waters and I split our shared delivery and caught our longtime friendship up over lunch yesterday.

Yes, “The Syracuse Fan’s Survival Guide to the ACC” was published in June 2013, so the statistics for the Orange and each of the other 14 teams in the Atlantic Coast Conference in football and basketball are outdated by one season. But the book was meant to tell stories about the campuses and traditions and rivalries, so I don’t think that matters so much.

I figured I’d give my new friends and old friends here a shot at buying the book as a Christmas gift for the sports fan in their life at a reasonable price. I’ll sign it and inscribe it with a personal message to whomever you’d like.

The list price is $16. Send me a check or money order for $8 and you’ve got somebody crossed off your holiday list. Email me at if you’d like one, and we’ll trade addresses. I’ll pay the shipping costs.

Have you thought about holiday shopping yet, and if so, what gifts have you purchased or made already? Do you prefer to spread out your shopping over weeks or get it over with in one day, and if it’s one day, please share some shopping tales. What’s the biggest rivalry for your favorite college sports team, and how do you mark it?

Fish of Gold

37 thoughts on “Football, basketball and a signed book for Christmas

  1. We love watching our little guy play because he lives and breathes the sport on and off the field. As long as it makes him happy, we will continue to support him. And, it’s actually University of Houston which has had a terrible season but we are the kind of fans that support our teams through the good, the bad and the ugly. And, it’s been really ugly sometimes! LOL


    • It hasn’t been the same for U of H since Kevin Sumlin left as coach a good while ago, am I right? I am the same type of fan, being a Maryland Terrapin alum. I’ve gone through my down football periods, too. 😦 We’ve had a successful first season in the Big Ten, though, 6-4 and bowl eligible. At Michigan and home to Rutgers left, we spilt and and finish 4-4 in the conference. That would make me happy. 🙂


      • It hasn’t been the same, and Sumlin took Kingsbury with him when he left too. Before that, we had Art Briles and lost him to Baylor. It seems we can’t hang on to good coaches. I’m afraid we’re about to lose our Def Coordinator after this season because he’s made a huge difference for us. I hope you get that finish! I’d take it too. 😉


      • When the revolving door starts, it’s hard to get it to stop. Sometimes the only way is to hire a young coach who’s an alum with the dream to coach at his alma mater. Even that is no guarantee. Syracuse had Doug Marrone for four good years here, the he left his “dream job” to go down the NYS Thruway for the Buffalo Bills. 😦


  2. I prefer College sports over the Pros because I think they play harder, making the games more exciting. We are huge College Football fans and were sad not to make it out to Texas for a single game this season. Not sure we’ll even buy Alumni seats again since our little guy is now playing football and our weekends revolve around his games. As for Christmas shopping, we order a lot online but I enjoy shopping for some gifts in the decorated stores so I split it up. Now that we are back in the states, I can do that! I should get started I guess. LOL


    • I enjoyed your photo post of your little guy’s football season, Leah. That will make it tough to get back to Texas to see the Longhorns until … a long time from now. 🙂 It is the Longhorns, or another of the many fine Texas institutions?


  3. Mark, I didn’t know that you are a published author, you humble guy! I would love a signed copy and I will personally pick it up–I’ll email you to set up a day and time. This is indeed a book to get Syracusans through the long, cold days! 🙂


  4. We got a new TV and game system in September, so I told the kid it was Christmas in September since he is out of town now. Other than that, I only have gift cards to get. Not too horribly stressful 🙂


  5. Cool book Mark! it is wonderful that you have a book published – so many try and so few actually make it. I wish you the very best in your sales – i’m not a big fan of the sport myself. I don’t have many to buy for for Christmas – so i start late – usually Christmas week.


  6. congrats on the win, on the book and on your ongoing syracuse loyalty. i tend to begin shopping right after christmas and continue on up until christmas the next year. my approach to shopping is to buy something when i see it for a person i know/hope will love it. count me in for a book – um tips off at 2pm today for our first bball game of the season. )


  7. WOW! How impressive this book! Count me in, I have several sports fanatics that would love this. 🙂

    I wanted to let you know that Mr. B and I got to watch a college football game last Wed nigh from a warm and toasty skybox, as guests of the Chancellor. The food was fabulous and our team won. I actually watched (okay, not the whole game) and enjoyed it. 🙂


    • That is very cool, to see your alma mater from the catered warmth of the Chancellor’s box, Mrs. B. Pinkies out? Seriously, wow! Catered food is never to be passed up. And the Minutemen won. Congratulations.

      Please email me your addess and the names of who you’d like me to sign the books to, and thanks so very much for that, my friend!


  8. This was an incredible event, always like book signed by authors or the ones who are featured in the books. My grandson for his 10th birthday, got from my youngest daughter who is always networking with professionals and health care organizations, got a white, scarlet and gray football signed by… wait for it: Urban Meyer!


      • I know his mother said she will go out and get one of those plastic cases, but I actually reacted the opposite. He is a proud owner of this football, Mark. I think there may be ‘little monetary value’ in its being saved in a box, meanwhile, may as well, enjoy showing it off and having fun with the football. It is a keeper, but also special to be shared…


      • No, Robin, you get a regular sporting goods 10 buck football to toss around. This one you can hand to people so they can admire it, but you don’t take it out in the yard and kick it around. I think I’m more with his mom!


  9. I’m not a basketball fan so this book should find a more appreciative audience than myself, but I did want to pass along congrats and admiration for your having published a book with your name on the cover. Many try but few succeed. That’s no small feat and you should be proud.


    • I was and am proud and stoked for the accomplishment, Mark. It was a lifelong goal to have, as you greatly put it, have a book with my name on the cover. The timing of this book was a tonic in my life, too, because my friend Mike Waters asked me to contribute concurrent with my layoff from the big daily. Kept my mind and spirit busy immediately thereafter.


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