Where car lovers go to really love all kinds of cars

So many cars, so many car lovers.

So many cars, so many car lovers.

For the 15th year, the Syracuse Nationals brought car lovers to the state fairgrounds just outside of last weekend.

By the tens of thousands they piled up at the center of the grounds where the the New York State Fair will settle in four weeks and a day from today, and I’m talking the amound of people and vehicles.

The event is proudly billed as the largest car show in the Northeast.

A classic wood panel, too.

A classic wood panel, too.

My dear wife Karen and I dropped in Saturday, the first time I attended the auto extravaganza, believe it or not. I wanted to see what all the hoo-hah was about and write about it for my weekly community blog for waer.org, the Syracuse Public Media site.

It was a really big deal.

These people who brought their classic cars obviously love them.

These people who walked the grounds to view the ZZ Top sedans and trucks and more obviously loved them.

Like a lightning rod.

Like a lightning rod.

Some of the car owners got too carried away, unfortunately. As Karen and I were walking the square that rings Chevy Court, we had to dodge so car traffic that was interspersed with the many walkers.

Soon enough, a serious announcement boomed over the PA.

It’s too dangerous. No cruising. Use common sense, the announcer advised.

No kidding.

I have more pictures and a column about the event at waer.org. Click the link below to find them. (Earlybird alert: The WAER editors don’t post the photos until around 10 a.m. today.)


Have you ever attended a car show, and what did you think about it? What would be your favorite kind of vehicles to look for at a big show like this? What would be your very favorite car to drive around the boulevard, “American Graffiti” style?”

45 thoughts on “Where car lovers go to really love all kinds of cars

  1. This is so cool! It gets me in the mood for our “21st Annual Blast from the Past” auto show, where they close up three blocks and I can walk outside my front door and go! My second husband had a ‘robin’s egg blue’ – ’57 Chevy! I still have a fondness for that car! Smiles, Robin


  2. Gee Mark, I wish I had read this earlier. My son had a Mustang he could have entered there, and they probably had the body removed by then. He didn’t check the trunk to see if there was another body in that, but finding the one in the back seat was enough excitement for him last weekend. Just think, the kid bought an abandoned orphanage with some acreage attached, and it came complete with an abandoned car and a freshly killed body in the back seat. I think he was going to try to negate the sale last Monday. One of his friends wants the car.


  3. American Graffiti is exactly what was brought to mind. God, what a great film. I can’t wait until my daughters are old enough to see it.

    Cars are mostly a necessary evil for me. I stayed in New York City all those years, not because it’s such a great place, but because I didn’t have to own a car. In fact, you’d be CRAZY to own a car in NYC.


  4. I’m not an expert on any kind of car. But I do love looking at the old ones. A few weeks ago our town was on a route of cars going to some impressive car gathering somewhere. For hours and hours people sat on chairs and in the backs of trucks, and lined the streets watching these cars go through. Sadly, I had to work. Fortunately one work trip took me along the route and I managed to see quite a few of these gorgeous in old state/remodeled state/updated states, vehicles go by. It was wonderful. I get the fascination even if I don’t know the technicalities of it.


  5. You did a great job photographing these…Cars are pretty difficult to photograph properly. I’m surprised this is bigger than the show in Carlisle, PA, but it sure looks like it was fun. (I thought Carlisle was the biggest in the country or something like that.) 🙂


  6. Cool cars Mark. I love to look but don’t have the desire to spend the kind of time and money it takes to maintain such a work of art. Here in Ottawa there is an improptu car show each week at one of the large malls. They do it on summer Wednesdays when the malls are not busy. It is neat because there is no registration or contest, just a show for whoever shows up. There are typically a few hundred who choose to show.Itnis neat becasue owners will bring their vehicles here first before they do any official shows – in orde to get feedback and peer review before competeing. Neat post Mark. Thank You. Hey, how’s the new job coming?


  7. Oooo, envy! I’d love to go to a car show, it’s been awhile. I hope you’re well hermano! In Santa Cruz for a couple days before starting another school year in early Aug. I hope all is going super for you and the rest of the Bialdez clan. xo


  8. It’s good to let young people see that cars actually use to be a thing of beauty, and not an ugly box or oval. It frustrates me to no end how hideous cars are now. I’d take that Sharp-Dressed truck or little red Corvette any day.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Never been to a car show but would most definitely go – although it would simply make me yearn for a classic car that I can’t have anytime soon! 🙂 I’d be cruising in a late ’60s Cheville. With the radio up and the windows down, my friend!


  10. We have a thriving classic car culture here with events all year round. The biggest by far, though, is The Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction held every January in Scottsdale. Aside from the opportunity to escape the snow, it’s a fantastic excuse to come to Arizona in January.


  11. Of all the cars there why did you photograph these? Your dream cars? I still remember how; as kids; we looked lustfully at Bill Lewicki’s white early 60’s Corvette.


    • I got to ride in Billy Lewicki’s car once, and it was as nice as I thought it would be. I caddied for him in the Ike one year. Me and his clubs in the passenger seat, and plenty of room!


  12. these kind of events can be fun and people can all find a car they are drawn to for whatever reason. it is important to be cautious when mixing cars and people for many reasons. i like the shiny beasts and admire all of the work people have put into them. being a detroit girl, i love the old muscle cars, but have a soft spot in my heart for the sleek lines of the british models too. ) i’ve not been to many car shows, but love the ‘woodward dream cruise’ here in detroit. it’s held each august on woodward avenue, the location of our original road cruising back in the 50s.


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