Downtown living continues to bounce back

Somebody will soon live with this living room view in downtown Syracuse.

Somebody will soon live with this living room view in downtown Syracuse.

The resurgence of residential urban living has been on the minds of planners and developers for so long in Syracuse now that the annual Downtown Living Tour recently held its eighth edition.

Builders are taking the old, forgotten, historic buildings and pumping new life into them with apartments and condos.

The spots that used to hold department stores and restaurants now are beckoning for people to live within.

Build it and they will come?

The dice is being rolled, every year. It’s a blueprint that’s being followed in many cities, I’m sure with various degrees of acceptance and success.

My dear wife Karen and I walked the Downtown Living Tour last Saturday.

We are happy and comfortable in our cozy single-family home in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood.

Nevertheless, we were curious to see the apartments and condos that mark urban downtown living in our part of the world.

If you’d like to read my community blog and see pictures about the Downtown Living Tour on Syracuse Public Media site, click the link below.

Have you ever lived in the downtown of an urban area? Do you think you are cut out for downtown living? What is your favorite city?

66 thoughts on “Downtown living continues to bounce back

  1. Mark, enjoyed your WAER write up. Tried commenting over there but wasn’t able to. Wonder if that’s a feature only available on the full site? Anyway, your downtown sounds fun. But I suspect that Ellie B might disagree.


    • Ellie B would not be a happy aka Dogamous Pyle downtown. Far too few sniffing places. I took her down to visit Karen by her workplace at lunchtime a few weeks ago, and the dog was pretty frantic.

      But the revitalization is pretty nice, Sandra.

      I don’t know why the comment function over there was giving you trouble, but thank you for trying, my friend.


  2. You gave an excellent review on your other site. I agree with you and your wife — stay where you are. 🙂 Your yard is lovely. (Backyard neighbor’s scary tall pine not withstanding.) My favorite city is a toss up between NYC and Boston. I love ’em both! But not enough to live in. The only reason that prevents me is I have slept in apartment homes in both cities and they are TOO loud at night. Otherwise, consider me there! 🙂 Great post! 😀


  3. I’m glad I got to be a Looky-Lou today, Mark; I really enjoyed going along for the Downtown Living Tour — here and at the other site. Thanks for being a Great-Guide.


  4. i’m always glad when i read of people and cities coming together once more, detroit is working really hard on that right now and i’m very hopeful. these spaces each sound interesting in different ways, some more than the others, and the pricing tends to bring imaginings back down to earth a bit )


  5. I love that your new downtown has some new living choices, Mark. It sounds lovely and exciting, too. I enjoy tours of cities, towns and housing areas. Our Cleveland downtown may be taking a piece of land and turning it into a Central Park place. I am excited about this development, Columbus took down our City Center, making a green area called, “Columbus Commons.” Along the river, we have bands, ‘waterfire” events and Columbus has condos, lofts and apartments. I think about my little apt. and my proximity to my children in Delaware and downtown. I would not move, unless I had a reason or person who would want to share their space in a different place! Great post to get me thinking about your city of Syracuse!


  6. Mr. Looky Lou…. 🙂 I love the idea of repurposing the old and empty buildings into housing of all types. I am fascinated by the designs and ideas of taking spaces and making them livable and creative. For about 2 years now I have been intrigued by the tiny/small living concepts. I have watched hundreds of videow of tiny apartments in big cities being given MEGA MONEY MAKEOVERS! Because space was so valuable. Thanks for sharing this. Curiosity about living spaces is fun for me.


  7. We moved to Richmond, VA two years ago and there has been a huge resurgence in the greater Richmond area…more restaurants, cleaning up delapidated neighborhoods, and many more transplants such as us northerners. (Yankees) Heck – let’s all move to Tuscany! 😉 ~Karen~


  8. If I could afford to live in central London I would be a millionaire – but that I could live with that. I’d even share some of the wealth. And you and Karen could come to visit.


  9. Yes, it seems every downtown is trying and trying to bring back the people. Downtown Fresno is not what it used to be and don’t know if it will ever come back, but really hope it does. I remember it as a child it was such an exciting place.


  10. Oh, Mark, It’s wonderful they are doing that. Our downtown area is putting loft apartments in all the old buildings and I would so love to live in one. The rent, however, would take my annual income for one month, and then I would still struggle to pay for electricity, cable and telephone service. It’s a good thing I decided when I moved into this apartment that I wanted to stay here until I die, because if not, I would probably be bankrupting myself trying to dream up a way to move in and out of a loft for a week or two. Would be nice to wake up and look at the river every morning, but at the same time, that would be the most dangerous spot to live. But then, walking distance to the concerts, on the other hand, I would be mowed down by the crowd. For every up there is a glaring down. But I can dream.


  11. I’m an urbanite and I love it…if only I could figure out how to grow a garden here! My favourite city to date has got to be Portland, Oregon. Although, most cities have their own charm.


  12. I can wake to the sound of a tack falling to the floor, so no no no no urban dwelling. But young people like to be where the hipsters, restaurants, and bars are. Nonetheless, who would want a view of a crosswalk–even if it was Abbey Road? I would never feel like I had any privacy (I’m saying that w/ a British accent: prih-vah-cee).


  13. I lived in Pittsburgh in the 60s while at Pitt, and continued there at WQED. I loved living in the city at that time. It was easy to get around. Bus traffic went anywhere. There was the Carnegie Museum, all kinds of libraries, theaters, productions.

    Pittsburgh sits on three rivers which affords lots of river views.

    I only left because I had heard the call of the Adirondacks again.


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