Did anybody ever see Bob Hoskins and Phil Collins in the same room?

(From syracusenewtimes.com)

(From syracusenewtimes.com)

My Thursday blog task for the Syracuse New Times site for a few weeks now is to find news in the film world and Mark-snark about it.

Yes, I can do that.

But Tuesday, Bob Hoskins passed away at the age of 71.

It was a little odd that the British native got his start as a very serious stage and TV production actor in London but found his biggest measure of fame as the sweating detective playing alongside a cartoon rabbit.

Also, I always thought he and Phil Collins looked pretty much exactly alike.

Phil Collins (Getty Images for The Guardian)

Phil Collins (Getty Images for The Guardian)

See, I told you.

Other than that, I wanted to seriously say that I liked Bob Hoskins’ work.

So I did.

My second piece of the two-part post deals with the new Richard Linklater movie “Boyhood,” to be released widely in July.

He filmed it over the course of 11 years.

Holy crap. Make-up people all over Hollywood hate that trend.

To read my post on the Syracuse New Times site, click the link below.


Do you have a favorite Bob Hoskins movie? Are you a fan of Richard Linklater’s “Before …” trilogy?

Here’s the source for the Phil Collins photo.

20 thoughts on “Did anybody ever see Bob Hoskins and Phil Collins in the same room?

  1. i have not thought about roger rabbit or bob hoskins In ages. sad this is why i am thinking of both again. hilarious about the phil collins matchup, i never would have thought of it, but you are so right on!


  2. We have got to sit Rachel down in front of a tv or movie screen and show her Roger Rabbit, Mona Lisa, Hook, Mermaids, The Long Good Friday, and my favorite, the British series Pennies From Heaven- which doesn’t stand up so well.


  3. I liked Bob Hoskins in the Roger Rabbit movie! He was a cleverly played detective and it was fun to see him in a comedic role! That cartoon Jessica Rabbit character was sure sexy! My kids liked that one a lot when it came out! I liked him in “Hook,” too. You may be ‘on to something’ about Bob and Phil, but maybe his voice would not be the same… Phil looked much better when younger! Bob always seemed to be mature looking with a round and pleasant face. Too bad, 71 is not that old! Sometime soon, I will have to look up some more movies and have a movie-thon in celebration of Bob Hoskins!


      • I am not sure when, though! Or as my busy schedule goes… Wish I could just do it today, it is nice and gloomy out! I am heading over to my son’s house in not too long of a time, there is a reason that I will be watching their combined family of 4 kids plus an extra 5 year old, to boot! Smiles, Robin


  4. I definitely loved this post. Rest In Peace, Mr. Hoskins. Phil and Bob did both star in the movie, Hook, which is a childhood favorite of mine.

    I love Linklater, but you knew this already. When I first heard about this project of his, goosebumps of interest bubbled on my skin. It sounded like a great concept, experiment. Now, to see the preview, I’m nothing short of excited.

    Linklater appreciates the tangibility of telling a story, much like Woody Allen. However, Linklater is less fantastical and more raw about it.


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