There was a whole new world waiting out there

When my dear wife Karen came back to her seat in the Carrier Dome after halftime Friday night, she reported an extraordinary planet sighting when she’d gone outside for a breath of cool air. After the Orange’s 27-26 double-overtime victory over Villanova, I discovered how right she’d been. I didn’t have to look skwyard. A…

The biggest star at this concert was the Dalai Lama

Just the other day when I was reading a post from my friend at Peace, Love & Great Country Music, recounting a blog conversation we’d had about the band Train, the thought hit me again. I had some truly great moments in the 21 years that I covered music and entertainment for the big daily.…

A street busker who makes his city feel at home

A familiar voice pleased my ears the other night. A quick dodge through a couple of book aisles brought me to the sight of Eli Harris, bouncing with his guitar, working the crowd inside the Syracuse University Book Store. I do believe it is the second time over the space of three decades that I’ve…