Hamilton lives up to all of that jazz

Add Hamilton to my list of waited-too-long to discover. My good friend KP told me years ago how he listened to the soundtrack in his car. I read about the merging of rap and Broadway, raised an eyebrow and … didn’t buy the music, or try to get down to Broadway or … Then I…

Nice place to work, my dear daughter

When I drove east to Madison County earlier this week, I took a few minutes to stop in to say hello to my wonderful daughter Elisabeth. She said it was OK to stop in where she works in Hamilton. I didn’t want to interrupt things in the physical therapy wing by snapping any photos with…

Looking good as my daughter heads into summer

My terrific daughter Elisabeth had enough time to spare to meet me for breakfast before heading into work at the orthopedic complex in Hamilton. That made leaving at 7:30 a.m. for the 40-or-so mile drive southeast from Syracuse well worth my while. We agreed on the big joint on the main drag less than a…