3D’s a non-starter for me, but ‘Insurgent’ would have been the one

Sometimes the movie schedule isn’t the best fit for my life. Saturday, there was someplace my dear wife Karen had to be at 3 p.m., no ifs, ands or buts about it. (Hello, tax preparer.) We wanted to see “Insurgent” beforehand. And I must say, that was a good call, as the day unfolded. (Hello,…

Photo 101: Weekend of cropping and B&W

Our weekend assignments in Photo 101 advise us to look back, mull, dwell, take action. This morning some thousand-plus runners in the Syracuse Half-Marathon ran through my Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, and I took a lot of photographs with my iPhone 6. Indeed, I posted a handful already today. I think I’ll offer more,…