Meanwhile at the bird bath

Egg-leaving types? The bird house on the side yard may sit empty, but the hanging bird bath/drinking fountain on the nearby tree at Sue and George Two’s house is popular this spring. Happy bird-watching!

Birds shift their spot on the building

My dear wife Karen and I sat on the back of my car as we tailgated Saturday afternoon and looked up at those interesting Syracuse birds. They were back up on that building flanking our football game parking lot, yes. But they’d shifting from center to left corner. Go figure. Yes, I like watching birds.

All together now

The spare seagull does not seem to mind settling in with the many geese on the shore of Onondaga Lake. And I noticed that none were squawking.

Hold still, will you, pretty cardinal?

Ever since my dear wife Karen and I spotted the make and female cardinals during our safe walks around the neighborhood streets, we hoped for a backyard visit. And I wished for the chance for a good photograph. This has led to a lot of Karen calling me outside urgently from my keyboard tap-tapping in…

A good day for bird watching

My two stops at the bird watching station on our Staff Summit Day at Beaver Lake Nature Center paid off well. Before reporting to the morning session, I spied a gorgeous red cardinal. Come the afternoon break, I came upon two cavorting yellow beauties. Oh how fortunate I felt. Can you help me figure out…

The swans stayed

On a recent work walk with my library colleagues, we spotted the big white birds in Onondaga Lake again. I dashed out to the shoreline, thrilled that the two swans were closer to land than when we spotted them months ago. Still I tried to zoom in. The lighting had the birds blending in with…

The birds were out in full color

I wondered why so many of my library colleagues were grouped at the windows of the big room at Beaver Lake Nature Center. Then I saw the bird houses. The trees. The birds. The beautiful, magnificent birds. These were all photographed through the window panes. My dear wife Karen and I will be returning in…

Know your direction in life

Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and I came across some pretty cool customers on a recent walk around the blocks surrounding A Bitty Better in our Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville. These birds stayed tight up the wire, bothered neither by my cherished rescue mutt nor my fidgeting to pull my iPhone 6s out of my…