Best for viewing

When the classic cars come around here, people bring chairs and watch.

King of the roadster

I find some interesting examples in town for the Syracuse Nationals gathering when I stop by the local hotel parking lot. I picture this one hauling around Bonnie and Clyde-fashion wearing couples in its heyday …

Trucks can be quite classic too

On the other side of the street, same walk as the beautiful black classic car, my dear wife Karen, cherished rescue dog Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and I encountered a classic red truck. Two new old beauties on the same walk. Go figure.

Very nice neighborhood fixer-upper

A recent warm-day walk around the neighborhood for my dear wife Karen, cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and I revealed a new addition in a nearby driveway. We all had our eyes drawn to this classic car. Maybe it will join the caravan that treats our eyes come Syracuse Nationals time each…

Cheers for the two-tone

I never know what I’ll find year-to-year when I do my foot-cruise of the classic-car congregation at the Electronics Parkway parking lot. The two-tone baby caught my eye this summer. Sweet!