Wonder of the sand and surf

Satisfying intersection. A stroll on the sand from the public side to the private side made my dear wife Karen and I satisfied indeed during our Cape Cod getaway. Soothing sight and sound. One of the bright spots of this location is that we can start the walk at one beach and finish it at…

Kind of cool

It’s always sunny in Buckies. My dear wife Karen and I had to put Buckies Biscotti on the list to show our friends Julie, Aaron and Evan. Karen and Julie both ended up with a white bag stuffed with the Dennis Port bakery’s namesake biscuits. I took the time to capture the interesting wall-hanging, too.

Sidle up for a draft

Easy afternoon. My dear wife Karen appreciate the fact that it’s a short walk from the cottage to the Cleat and Anchor restaurant. We set aside one comfortable afternoon for a cozy walk to sidle up to the bar, order a pair of drafts, and shoot the bull with the bar keep. The amber-colored pour…

Happy Harbor

Favorite lobster joint. My dear wife Karen and I appreciate so much about our yearly visit to the Sesuit Harbor Cafe. The true-blue marina joint carries waterfront atmosphere to the max. Launching our memories. It’s a working boat launch, for sure. Take a seat. It’s an outdoor cafe, yes. Wait like my dear wife Karen,…

Not your usual busker

Play on! Strolling along Main Street of the lovely Cape Cod village of Chatham, I let my dear wife Karen and friends Julie, Aaron and Evan get ahead so I could capture the coolness of the street musician. First time I could recall appreciating the busker talents of a solo cellist. Bravo!

The sun also rises

Good morning! Driving some 300-plus miles directly to the east from our home in Central New York, I realized that the sun rises and sets earlier in Cape Cod. Walking our cherished rescue mutt before 6 a.m. along the shore, we were way too late to say hello to the sun’s emergence for the day.…

Looks cool to me

Appreciate the name. The rather gigantic Cuffy’s in Dennis Port, Mass., was a fun stroll for my dear wife Karen and our friends Julie, Aaron and Evan. While they took in the amazing sights of so many clothes, candy and various wanna-bring-homes?, I was drawn to a particular cooler. Never have I ever spied Spiffy…

Eyes open

Lovely lane. My dear wife Karen and I appreciate walking here and there during our annual Cape Cod getaway. I notice a lot of pretty private drives leading down to the beach. Lovely, indeed.

Yummy says a lot

Ready to dig in. Lobster tacos at the Beach Bar. Yes, please. Wish you could taste it. Thought you might want a closer look. Another discovery. The lime-sauced lobster paired perfectly with this year’s local beer, a Kolsch brewed specially for the Ocean House Beach Bar by South Dennis brewery Devil’s Purse. Feeling at home.…

My dear wife is drawn to the shore

Toes in the wet sand. A one block walk from our cozy cottage in Dennis Port and down the steps, we find the beach. We don’t take chairs or sit in the sun. I am happy staying a few feet away from the lapping waves at this point, retired guy I. I’ll venture juuuuuust close…