Great truck food again in 2022

So many folks love lobster.

Add the Food Truck Battle to our growing list of family traditions.

In fact, George Two joined my dear wife Karen, terrific daughter Elisabeth and fiancé George to the New York State fairgrounds on a warm and sunny Saturday.

Perfect food.

George Three and I immediately jumped on the Bold Coast Lobster truck line, longest of the 50-plus trucks gathered, and bought Connecticut-style lobster rolls for ourselves and George Two.

Second option.

George Two secured us a great table on the grassy infield in the middle of the horeshoe configuration of food trucks. We used it as home base as we gathered our various plates.

Chicken tacos.

Bay Vista Taqueria called out to three of us.

Bang Bang shrimp.

They handed over one plate of chicken tacos and two of bang bang shrimp.

Then we all wandered this way and that.

Aloha, hello!

Hawaii always quickly enters my senses when I’m with my wife and the kids.

I didn’t get any shaved ice, though, noticing they didn’t call it shave ice like they do way to our west.

9 thoughts on “Great truck food again in 2022

  1. I’ve LONG wanted to try a lobster roll (whenever I might be somewhere that has them) but am not a fan of mayonnaise. It looks like this Connecticut style doesn’t have mayo. Am I seeing this correctly????


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