Our spring trip to find new garden plants

Small selection.

My dear wife Karen and I decided our spring picks at Chuck Hafner’s Garden Center would include a new azalea.

That section was surprisingly spare in its choices.

We did add one to our cart. Thank you to sister-in-law Lynne for the gift certificate for this spring’s shopping spree!

I’ll wait to show you the plant, actual, until I get it into our garden.

You will find some more Chuckie posts I find amusing this week, though.

8 thoughts on “Our spring trip to find new garden plants

  1. I thought it odd that I didn’t get a post from you. I went looking for you. WP unfollowed you again! And now won’t let me follow again!!!! I am not happy with the WP foilbles. I will keep trying. Ugh.


  2. I hope you’re getting a little something from Chuckie. $ or at least a free plant or two. Your ad made me take a look. If I lived a block or two closer I would certainly shop there. 😉


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