Less daylight, yes, but the solstice sunset still sparkles

I quick grabbed the leash and asked our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle if she’d like to take a walk.

With the arrival of the shortest day of the year, I wanted to catch the sunset on my iPhone 8.

Punch out from work, 4 p.m. Pull into driveway in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville, 4:06. Get stuff out of my car, put the leash on the dog …

Down goes the yellow ball.

Time stamp on that first photograph of the setting sun: 4:23 p.m.

Onward we walked. I did not know what we would discover as we looked westward.

Houses, wires.

Possible obstacles could include other dogs to distract Ellie B, cars in the road, houses blocking the sun, wires on the horizon.

Orange you happy?

Ellie B barked at a little dog but allowed me to go down to the west.

Clouds gather.

We climbed a burn by the apartment complex.

Glow gains momentum.

As we return to the hill that is our street, our senses and the sunset seem to heighten.

Happy together.

Ellie B allows me to look and admire.

Last wink.

The sun seems ready to wave goodnight. The time stamp reads 4:35 p.m.

All of that glory in a dozen sweeps of the big hand. Amazing, nature is.

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