Seagulls and a boat signal spring at Onondaga Lake

A quick walk down the block from my job at the library reveals that spring indeed is settling in over Onondaga Lake.

Ready for the lunch crowd.

The grass looks a little greener once I crossed the threshold into Onondaga Lake Park. A worker had aligned three picnic along the marina’s edge.

Gray, but still …

Closer still to the water, the sound of seagulls astounded.

And some soul has placed a boat in the lake. Already.

Soon enough, I will be hauling my lunch bag toward that spring and summer spot.

How soon until you’ll be eating a meal outside?

12 thoughts on “Seagulls and a boat signal spring at Onondaga Lake

  1. Hi Mark, we have been having pretty warm weather over in our neck of the woods, for the last week or so. I have had the windows open in the house, and I can smell the orange blossoms from our neighbor’s tree throughout the house. But it has now been raining for the last 2 days and it never rains here in the Central Valley this late in the year. We are all quite puzzled about it. Maybe our overdue Ice Age is coming.


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