My first scrape makes me official

The white vehicle was perilously close to the yellow line when I returned with my Chinese takeout Friday, so I swung the Chevy Cruze more to the right than usual.

Too far.

White post paint.

White post paint.

The sound of the scrape sickened me.

For the first time in the nine months I’d been parking in the library’s underground parking garage, the one peppered with all the white posts, I’d clipped one.



When I told my sad tale to my co-workers upstairs, they told me that now I was an official member of the staff.

Close quarters.

Close quarters.

Yes, these tight spots corral us all, my colleagues assured me.

They congratulated me on hitting the post and not the other car.

They told me that sometimes the white paint can be rubbed off, no worse for wear. Sometimes more involved touch-up is needed.

I’ve yet to go there.

Have you hit anything in a parking garage, and if so, what and where?

24 thoughts on “My first scrape makes me official

  1. Ha! I did exactly that years ago. I had to work on a day that the buses weren’t running so I had to drive our Mercury Marquis station wagon (HUGE sucker!). The only spot left in the underground garage was between two poles. I thought I gauged it just right. I was wrong – took out the driver’s side door. Twice! Once while pulling forward and again while trying to back out. Hubby was not too happy with me that day.


  2. aw, sorry to hear that, but it sounds like you are officially one of the gang now. i took sylvia (my silver subaru), around the bend in a structure here and cut it a bit close. the back wheel well scraped against a yellow marker and a i later noticed a piece of trim missing. got the dealership to replace it and good as new. now for a few other dings…


  3. Yikes! I had a job about 20 years ago with a parking garage on the ground floor. It had a a big garage door, and one day it just came down and collapsed on my hood as I drove under it. The owner of the building said such if life. #$%# That scraping sound is the worst, isn’t it?


  4. Well dang! I haven’t scraped my car against a parking garage post, but I did scrape it on the corner of our house trying to navigate out our narrow driveway from the garage in the back of the house. I was teaching my daughter how not to hit the rock wall on the other side – DOH!!


  5. I remember doing a ‘hit and run’ in an airport carpark once…Oh my! I spent the whole holiday paranoid that the police were going to catch me and lock me up. 😮

    It happens to the best of us… easily done (so I tell myself!)


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