A tree still colorful in Clinton Square

A trip to downtown Syracuse to meet my dear wife Karen at the end of our last work week brought me a surprise as we walked past Clinton Square.

Skating to the lights.

Skating to the lights.

The city Christmas Tree not only still standing, but the lights were still shining as well.

The date was Jan. 20.

Skaters in a January dusk.

Skaters in a January dusk.

The skaters taking advantage of the city rink that goes up from November to March seemed to be appreciating the 5 p.m. atmosphere.

Pretty night of Jan. 20, 2017.

Pretty night of Jan. 20, 2017.

The scene struck me enough to pull the iPhone 6s out of my pocket again when we walked back to our cars at 9:30 or so.

17 thoughts on “A tree still colorful in Clinton Square

  1. Gorgeous tree! I’m a bit superstitious though, old wives tales have it coming down before NY Day or its bad luck. I did put mine up really early though this year. After near death in March, I wanted to enjoy the holiday as long as possible.


  2. Lovely tree, Mark! But if it is in this part of the world the people will get upset cos Chinese new year is just around the corner and they expect roosters on that tree….LOL! ㄟ( ・ө・ )ㄏ


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