Behold the Northern Flicker

Good Neighbor Tim is always on the lookout in our Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood.

It’s one of the things I love about having him and his wonderful wife Lorraine next door to the Little Bitty.

His latest discovery was … I’ll let him tell it, from his email.

“Another creature you might appreciate is the Northern Flicker, classified with woodpeckers. I first saw one on July 11 and then the pair, an adult still instructing and feeding a large chick. They were foraging in our yards.”

Two beauties in Eastwood.

Two beauties in Eastwood.

Take good care of each other around here.

Take good care of each other around here. (Photos by Tim Garriques)

Beautiful. Thanks so much, Tim.

And he sent me the link to Cornell University’s page about the bird, too.

What is your favorite bird, and why? What do you see around your home? Can you catch good bird photos?

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