Roof, roof, roof for the Mets

Ellie B and Matt Harvey share a moment. Sort of.

Ellie B and Matt Harvey share a moment. Sort of.

Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle is a Mets fan, just like me and my dear wife Karen. She loves to watch the games with us.

I swear.

Does your pet show any interest in sports? Does your pet watch TV with you? Does your pet prefer to play fetch in the backyard?

24 thoughts on “Roof, roof, roof for the Mets

  1. My cat is very aware of the TV and mostly it scares him. Somebody moves and he runs. If there’s violence he hunkers down and scoots off in his “holy crap what’s going on” run. The only sport watched here is figure skating and he’s not too interested ☺ but it doesn’t scare him


  2. Mikey – our Great Dane loves to watch TV – He sits on his puppy bed in the family room, and rests his head on the coffee table and watches TV. He especially liked “Dexter” – I do not know why. He also sits on my youngest son’s bed and watches the TV while my youngest plays his video games. He is a funny little dog.


  3. Hi, Mark! I just wanted to let you know that I might need you and Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle to roof, roof, roof for me in September when I have major heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic. ❤


  4. HA! Ellie sure does look relaxed. I’ve never had a pet that watched much TV – our cats might stop and watch for a few seconds before carrying on.


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