Thank you, burst of color

This is the time of year when on a day off from the store, I walk out the side door of the Little Bitty, take a left, and soak it all in.

Spring is settling into the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood.

I appreciate every little burst of color.

Looking good this week.

Looking good this week.

My dear wife Karen predicts that our 2-year-old star, Cherry Cherry, will be moving from buds to blossoms soon. How exciting it will be to see that happen next to the hourglass garden for the first time.

Ever higher.

Ever higher.

And a half-dozen feet away and a few years older, the flowering Robinson crabapple seems to have raised up another couple of feet over the winter. It, too, will have its flowers soon.

Between those two and roses coming up in the hourglass garden, my nose should be as delighted as my eyes.

What sights and scents are coming up in your neighborhood? Do notice the growth in your yard? What blossoms are your favorite, and why?

20 thoughts on “Thank you, burst of color

  1. I like the little purple flowers on the ground, which I’m sure were blooming in homage to the Purple One, RIP. But honestly, Mark, you CANNOT offer such purplyness and not give us a paintcolor match for it. Rhapsody Lilac? Potentially Purple? These are legit Sherwin Williams names. If something is potentially anything, it isn’t YET that thing then, right? Like you are potentially a millionaire buy surely not right now. So something potentially purple could be red right now. Or chartreuse.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Potentially purple means it hasn’t bloomed yet if it’s a flower? It’s still in the paint can and not on the wall? Yes, the rhodedenron is in tribute to Prince. I agree, Kerbey. Powerfully Prince is my color name. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey marky mark – this is the third or fourth post I have seen on spring color – and so nice – my snowball bush is in bloom and that is always fun – also – we had some late frost this month so a few shrubs were zapped and are not as blooming yet-anyhow – happy spring!


  3. Ahhh, the smells of spring. Glad to see Saki is doing well.It’s in the low 50’s F here daytime – we are getting more and more good smells.Still below freezing night time though. Glad to see you’re garden is coming along well – color being a big part of your days now.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Me too! Looks like late May early June Mark. I’m planning a daytrip while still in Ottawa. Vancouver is progressing comfortably but there are elements now that can slide the date back or forth, so no set time (the city of Vancouver has decided to renew the city sewage lines and has temporarily moved people out of the neighborhood and dug up the street). The owner has other arrangements for us – they buy insurance for that – that start either June 1 or June 15 – they are discussing.. We get daily updates. That said I haven’t done much driving for quite a few years and I want to do a short trip before the long one to get reacquainted and determine my current ability to tolerate long hours. Which means that, given the way the trip is laid out, it is best to drop down and visit you for a coffee and come back. I will likely bring a friend (the car owner) in case I get tired and so he can confirm my driving abilities. The car comes out of storage on May 11 so the approximate time frame is between then and early June. We can discuss your schedule once I’m comfortable with the car. Looking forward to meeting!


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